DCC is a 501 (c) (3), tax-exempt, Mississippi based Christian organization that provides Biblically based counseling to those seeking the same. We are not a secular psychological, psychiatric or mental health care facility and claim no affiliation to State licensure.
Because we are a Christian counseling ministry. Our records are held as confidential and are not shared or disclosed with any other party. Counselors and clients affirm that no sessions are to be recorded or shared within any format, for any reason.
All DCC counselors are seminary trained. In addition to their educational and professional credentials, all DCC counselors are duly ordained. Therefore, all information disclosed within the counseling session is confidential and is held as privileged in accordance with Mississippi Code Annotated, section 13-1-22
Types of Counseling Services:
- Marriage & Family Counseling
- Addiction & Substance Abuse
- Children & Youth Counseling
- Sexual Abuse & Emotional Distress
- Divorce Recovery
- Death & Bereavement
- Family Relationships
- Anger Management
- Singles & Adult Issues
- Adultery & Infidelity
- Depression
- Behavior Issues
- Remarriage & Blended Family Issues
Marriage Counseling
At some point in any marriage, we all need help overcoming hurt and disappointment, to endure hardships, and reconcile our lives to one another and to God. For over fifteen years, we have provided Biblical based, Christian marriage counseling for couples whose heart’s desire is to see their marriage saved and their family restored. The marriage is the key relationship within the family. It is the bond God recognizes and through the marriage so many of God’s blessings flow. For this reason, at DCC, we never give up on a marriage.
Because of God’s love for us, He has given us free will to choose any decisions we desire, but we are never free to choose the consequences of our decisions.
The decisions we make within the marriage not only impact our lives, but also the lives of everyone we love. Children, family, close friends, and other relationships are impacted by every marriage covenant.
A strong marriage enhances our lives and the lives of those we love. A struggling marriage burdens our loved ones because when we hurt, they hurt right along with us. In many ways, an unhappy marriage grieves those who sincerely want to see our lives healed.
Adultery, pornography, abuse, neglect, distrust, blended families, financial struggles, and poor communication are just some of the problems that threaten to ruin a once healthy and happy relationship. If your marriage is struggling, if it seems you cannot continue with the pain and heartache of your daily life, please let us help.
You can click the Appointment tab and be on your way to setting up a video counseling session.
Grief & Loss Counseling
Life hurts. We all have scars.
So many losses in life seem to cripple us emotionally. From a failed marriage, financial crisis, loss of a job, or the loss of a loved one. None of us are immune to grief and loss. None of us can choose to avoid the heartache of the death of someone we love. But we can choose not to go through this pain alone.
“Some pain is so deep, the hurt so unimaginable, it creates a spiritual scar deep within us.” Dr. Donaldson once shared. “I remember seeing my father lying in his casket and the freshly sutured scar that circled around behind his head. A scar clearly visible beneath his thin hair line, left behind by the medical examiner’s scalpel. Within my mind’s eye, over two decades later, that scar is still visible today.”
We all suffer losses in our lives, but we do not have to suffer alone. DCC counselors will share your burden by providing unique insight into God’s desire for healing and continuing the life He has planned for you. We will walk this journey together with you, until you are able to stand once again on your own.
Addiction & Substance Abuse
There are many forms of addiction, drugs, alcohol, sex, pornography, gambling, but the results are tragically the same. At some point in the addiction, we feel helpless and out of control. Ashamed of the lies and the pain we have caused to those who love us. Now, we find ourselves desperate to be set free from the physical and spiritual cravings that consume our thoughts and control our lives.
Addiction can become an insatiable master that consumes all of our resources and separates us from the ones we love, and from the love of God. A DCC counselor can help guide you towards sobriety through a process of self-discovery.
We can also help you heal the relationships damaged by addiction as well. Don’t allow addiction to ruin your life. Make the decision to seek help today!
Crisis Intervention
A true crisis demands immediate attention and is generally beyond the scope of online video counseling. If your crisis is life threatening, suicidal thoughts, domestic violence, etc., call 911 or contact a licensed crisis intevention provider. If it is a medical emergency, seek the nearest medical facility or call 911.
If your crisis involves the abuse of children or the elderly, please call your local law enforcement agency and the local department of children and human services. Please, do not delay seeking help if your life or the life of someone you love is in danger—act quickly! DCC is not a crisis intervention ministry.
Family Counseling
Many times, family members may need to come together to express their issues in an environment that is safe, protective, and with mutual respect and love. DCC counselors can help you establish a session environment that will open the lines of communication and enable effective, Christ-centered healing for everyone who participates.
Blended families with teenagers from one or both sides of the new marriage covenant are good examples of how family counseling can improve the quality of life at home. These teens may be struggling with a new environment, a new home, new family members, and with new family leadership. For many children, this could be the second or even third new home environment they have moved into following a failed relationship of their primary care parent.
Add into this environment the inevitable conflicts related to an “ex” spouse like; visitation schedules, discipline methods, house rules, vacation & holidays, and the tensions between both sets of parents and you can see why family counseling can be a positive step towards a peaceful home. The parents are the head of the household, and it is through this relationship with God that the DCC counselor will guide the family towards healing.
Despair and Depression
“Despair in the life of a believer is like living in darkness,” Dr. Donaldson offered. “Within the darkness there seems to be an absence of light. No direction and no visible hope. However, as Billy Graham once said. ‘As long as there is a God in heaven, there is hope.’ Within every Christian is the Holy Spirit and the presence of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Jesus is the light of the world and that light can overcome the darkness.”
In our darkest hour, despair may rob us of the ability to see the light of Jesus Christ. However, through Christian counseling. We can reconnect to the source of light that gives us strength for the journey. “Many types of depression can be described as going about our daily lives living in the
shadows,” Dr. Donaldson explained. “We become the ‘walking wounded’, so to speak. The shadows prevent our spirit from being warmed and filled by the light and hope of Jesus Christ.”
A DCC counselor can help you identify the things in your life that are blocking the light of Jesus Christ. Disappointments, pain, hurt, loneliness, and grief are all examples of life issues that can bring depression into the life of a believer.
Jesus said, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 NIV).”
All of us find ourselves in need of counsel at some point in our lives. It could be as simple as needing someone to guide us through an important life decision or trying to cope with a difficult situation. We all need help and there is no reason to go through these times alone. DCC counselors will assist you in sorting through life’s most difficult seasons, and find peace that could enable you to find hope for tomorrow.
“To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven and earth” (Ecclesiastes 3:1).